Tyresö Hills
Ocean view hilltop pool
Beautiful view over the ocean
Tom and his partner had the opportunity to build their dreamhouse on this beautiful spot with a amazing view. From the very beginning they knew they wanted to install a pool. They did research to find out what type of pool was suitable for them.
They knew from the beginning that they wanted to connect the pool area with the ocean so a long staircase was built which make it feel like the whole area was one.
4 x 8 with 3-step stairs, with velded mosaikliner ”Persia Sand” and an automatic poolcover. Build year 2020.
To find out more visit the customers Instagram page at: Villaerstavik.
5 quick questions for Tom
1: What is the best thing about having a pool?
The best is to be able to wake up and go for a swim before the day starts or to enjoy it on long summer evening and see the sun set while you enjoy a swim. It is also a beautiful view to enjoy in the evening with the poollights on.
2: Why did you get a pool?
To have a real summer feeling and enjoy with friends ans family and have the possibility to go for a swim whenever you want to!
3: How much work is it to take care of your pool?
Maintaining good water quality and cleaning the filter is really a very small job weekly and is actually quite fun to do. We have great help from Poolvision to close the pool in winter and open it in spring so we can maximally enjoy the pool.
4: When do you most enjoy having a pool?
During the long summer days when you can go for a swim at anytime and also during september month when summer is fading it allows to hang on to that summer day vibe a bit longer.
5: Your best tip for people who want to buy a pool?
We are really happy with the liner. We first thought of taking the standard blue liner but we listened to some good advice and are really happy with our sand colored liner.

Ett snyggt lock infällt i trallen döljer åtkomst till bräddavloppet.

2 of 6
Det hydrauliska poolskyddet är infällt under trallen med serviceåtkomst via en diskret och snygg lucka.
3 of 6Vacker pergola
4 of 6

En snygg trappa ringlar ner för berget ner till havet nedanför.
Pool 4 x 8 med helgaveltrappa, och liner persiansand och nedfälld furusarg. Byggår 2020.
Håll pekaren över punkterna för att få mer detaljinformation.